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The proprietary electronics inside the Perfect Fit™ EFM attenuates the signal and has noise-canceling features to further improve the signal quality. True paradoxical breathing is easily scored, and the sensitivity of the Perfect Fit™ EFM enables detection of respiratory effort-related arousals (RERAs).

The color coded connectors on our Perfect Fit™ Effort Belt and EFM Interface Cable ensure accurate setup. The sleep specialist does not need to change any batteries in the Perfect Fit™ EFM, eliminating concern for sleep study interruption due to battery failure.

Call for availability and lead time information.

Perfect Fit™ Electronic Filtration Module, SUM SKU's. About this grid.
SKU DescriptionQtySku NumberQtyYour Price/
Projected Ship Date
EFM Interface Cable, Adult SUM Channel1203008-000
EFM Interface Cable, Ped SUM1203008-010
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