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3M® Transpore™ Tape

3M® Transpore™ Tape is hypoallergenic and comes in a 9m (10 yards) roll. This Transpore Tape can be purchased in 1in or 2in width rolls.

Cover-Roll Stretch Tape

Cover-Roll Stretch Tape is a non-woven cross-elastic bandage that can be cut to size to secure any type of dressing. Available in 2inch x 2yards or 10 yards.

Not Waterproof - Air and exudate permeable -Hypoallergenic - Radio Translucent - 1 roll per box

3M™ Micropore™ Surgical Tape

3M™ Micropore™ Surgical Tape is a latex-free, hypoallergenic paper tape that is gentle to the skin yet adheres well. Leaves minimal residue upon removal.


NeedleTape® is safe & effective solution when using Cadwell® subdermal  needles, twisted subdermal, and corkscrew needles to help prevent needle sticks.

NeedleTape® is a unique needle securing adhesive technology designed to provide safety advantages by integrating a safety identifier to alert healthcare workers to the presence of needles. In addition, NeedleTape® provides added convenience through its die-cut design for ease of use. This product has applications in IV therapy, dialysis and anesthesia among other specialties. The technology can also be utilized in a variety of clinical health care settings including labs, surgery centers, clinics and hospitals.  NeedleTape® provides an additional safety measure through its repeating safety identifier. Each NeedleTape® unit is die-cut specialty medical tape designed for fixating needles in various healthcare settings.

Each box contains 96 pieces of NeedleTape®