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Cadwell Monopolar Detachable Lead Wires

Detachable, reusable cables come in three options. For use with disposable monopolar needle electrodes.

Cadwell® Trigger Cable

3.5mm 6-foot stereo plug to 2x RCA. For use with Trigger Input and Output connectors on the Sierra Summit and Sierra Ascent.

Cadwell® Sierra Summit Test Arrays

Diagnostic Test Fixtures for Sierra Summit.

Cadwell® EMG Power Accessories

Cadwell® EMG Power Accessories - Sierra Summit

Cadwell® Arc Essentia Test Array

Test Array fixture used with the Arc Essentia amplifier.

Cadwell® Sierra Summit Remote Input Box for Summit

Cadwell® Sierra Summit Remote Input Box for Summit 3-12 Channel Amplifier is designed to extend your inputs to the bedside with the remote input box.

Well suited for EP studies.
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