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Cadwell 8-Channel IONM Electrode Kit

Cadwell 8-Channel IONM Electrode Kit

A complete kit for simple or complex spine cases, or for any surgery where eight channels of EMG with SSEPs are appropriate.  This sterile, single-use kit can be used with any IONM system to help protect your patients in the OR. 

• Cadwell quality in a convenient solution
for busy practitioners.

• Twisted needle electrode pairs optimize
data while minimizing noise during
recording or stimulating.

• Surface electrodes have large surface.
area and twisted leads improve
impedance and secure patient contact

• Ground pad features a larger surface
area for maximum noise reduction.

• Single needle electrode - no waste
solution for stimulating probe reference
or needle electrode ground.

Comparable to the Medtronic 945NRE1003 Needle Electrode Kit