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ApneaTrak™ Disposable HSAT Belts & Sensors

Cadwell ApneaTrak™ Disposable HSAT Belts & Sensors are sold individual, in 10 packs and in 50 packs.  Cadwell offers one of the only fully disposable electrode solutions for HSAT electrodes, no reusable cables necessary with the newest Cadwell ApneaTrak device.

*Please call for ApneaTrak system Carry Cases, Part #198272-000*
SKU DescriptionQtySku NumberQtyYour Price/
Projected Ship Date
Belt, Chest, Disp Effort, ApneaTrak1203085-000
Belts, Ch+Ab Kit, Disp Effort, ApneaTrak1 Kit203086-000
Sensor, PVDF Airflow, Med, KH1203087-000
Sensor, AccuSnore, Disp, Lg, KH1203088-000
Belt, Chest, Disp Effort, ApneaTrak 10pk10/pk203085-000-010
Belt, Chest, Disp Effort, ApneaTrak 50pk50/pk203085-000-050
Belts, Ch+Ab Disp Effort, ApneaTrak 10pk10/pk203086-000-010
Belts, Ch+Ab Disp Effort, ApneaTrak 50pk50/pk203086-000-050
Sensor, PVDF Airflow, Med, KH 10pk10/pk203087-000-010
Sensor, PVDF Airflow, Med, KH 50pk50/pk203087-000-050
Sensor, AccuSnore, Disp, Lg, KH, 10pk10/pk203088-000-010
Sensor, AccuSnore, Disp, Lg, KH, 50pk50/pk203088-000-050
Disposable SpO2 Sensor, 24 per BOX, ApneaTrakBox/24304002-000
Hard Case, ApneaTrak (Gen. 2)1198272-000
Cable, ApneaTrak, USB 2.0 A-C, 2ft (Gen. 2)1286113-000